7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Halloween at Home with Young Children

Ah, Halloween! The time of year when the ghouls come out to play, candy wrappers carpet our living room floors, and the relentless question, "Mom, can I wear my costume yet?" begins approximately 42 days before October 31st. If you're a mom to young kiddos, heading out for trick-or-treating might feel like a daunting quest. But who says the party can't come to your living room? Brace yourselves, dear moms, for a Halloween that's less about the 'trick' and more about the treat – and, bonus, no one loses a shoe.

So, there you have it! Seven spellbinding ways to keep the Halloween magic alive, right in the comfort of your own haunted mansion (I mean, house).

And, hey! After all the fun, if your living room looks like a tornado of candy wrappers and glitter hit it, don't reach for the hundred tiny bags. Ditch the tabs and fill a BAB! Because the aftermath of Halloween fun deserves nothing less than the storage wonder that is a Big Ass Bag. Download Big Ass Bag now!

Happy Haunting, Moms! 🎃


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